Friday, January 30, 2015

Common Mistakes in use of English-Lesson 44

Project Smart English

Shaping Young Minds

Lay Vs Lie
Lay is an irregular transitive verb (lay / laid/ laid - laying). It needs a direct object. It means to put something or someone down (often in a horizontal position).
For example: "Lay your head on the pillow."
Lie is an irregular intransitive verb (lie / lay / lain - lying). It does not take a direct object. It means to rest in a horizontal position or to be located somewhere.
For example: "If you are tired lie here and have a rest."

Lie also means to say something that isn't true but it takes the following form (lie / lied / lied - lying).

Lay Down Vs Lie Down
Lay down has several different meanings.
If you lay something down it can mean you officially establish a rule, or officially state the way in which something should be done.
For example:-
Please follow the rules laid down by the administrator.
If you lay something down your weapons it means you stop fighting.
For example:-
They laid down their guns and surrendered.
Lie down means to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or rest.
For example: "If you are tired lie down and have a rest."

We conduct workshop on ‘English Improvement’ and many other soft skills improvement workshops for industries, educational institutes and individuals.

We also offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behaviour Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes. Please visit link or write to us at   or call (91)8866680407 for further details.

Sarwan Singh


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Common Mistakes in use of English-Lesson 43

Project Smart English

Shaping Young Minds

Common Mistakes in use of English-Lesson 43

"How do you do?" vs. "How are you?"
How do you do?
This is not a question. It is another, very formal way of saying "Hello." It is also very British.
The correct response is; "Pleased to meet you." or "How do you do." or just "Hello."
We only really use it the first time we meet someone.

How are you?
This is a question.
A polite response is; "I'm fine thanks. And you?"

Homework Vs Housework
Homework                                                                                                                                                 (noun) - refers to tasks assigned to students by teachers to be completed mostly outside of class, and derives its name from the fact that most students do the majority of such work at home.
For example: "A lot of students in the India get too much homework."

 (noun) - refers to domestic household chores such as cleaning and cooking.
For example: "She never seems to have enough time to do the housework. There's always something that needs dusting or polishing."

We conduct workshop on ‘English Improvement’ and many other soft skills improvement workshops for industries, educational institutes and individuals.

We also offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behaviour Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes. Please visit link or write to us at   or call (91)8866680407 for further details.

Sarwan Singh


Monday, January 26, 2015

Are You Communicating Powerfully?

The main purpose of communication is to convey an idea clearly and persuasively and to motivate the listener to carry out an action. This will be achieved only if our listeners listen to us attentively. How do I know that my listeners are listening to me attentively? Given below are some signals which tell us if our listener is listening attentively or not:

 Engaged listeners:
  • Respond warmly and attentively throughout the conversation,
  • Their eyebrows are raised, their eyes are rounded,
  • They lean forward while listening,
  • Give you more eye contact,
  • Follow directions more accurately,
  • Ask fewer questions for clarification,
  • Appear more relaxed, smile more, and their shoulders are down.

Disengaged or disinterested listeners:
  • Avoid eye contact,
  • Squint their eyes,
  • Close their mouths,
  • Lower their eyebrows,
  • Cross their arms and legs,
  • Turn away from the speaker.

How to make your listener listen more attentively?

Avoid vague words:
Avoid unclear words like it, that, this, those, they, he, she, them, and we etc. We use these words thinking that our listeners know what we are talking about. It may not be the case always. As far as possible replace these words by what these words are used for. Don’t say ‘It is a great process.’ Say: ‘The new grinding method is a great process.’ Avoid saying ‘We are leaving at 10 am.’ Say: ‘Rita and I are leaving at 10 am.’

Don’t repeat yourself:
At times our listener is not able to understand our message and tells us so. In such cases simply repeating previously used words is not going to help. There can by many reasons for the listener not being able to understand. Fast pace of speaking, inadequate knowledge of the subject, poor language skills, diverted mind, low volume, back ground noises etc. The right approach is to ask for the cause of misunderstanding and take remedial action accordingly.  

Say one thought in a sentence and keep the sentence short:
The desire to say it all and say it quickly makes us use long sentences, difficult words and use complicated sentence structure. We must make our listener’s job easy by saying just one thought in a sentence, keeping the sentence short and using simple structures. This makes job of the listener easy to follow what we are trying to say. Many of us also tend to get in too much minor detail. As a result our listener loses interest in what we are saying. The trick is to get to the main point as quickly as possible.

And two golden rules to improve impact of our communication:

1.   Put the most important information at the beginning or end.


2.   KISS; meaning ‘Keep it Simple Stupid’

Following above simple ideas will definitely improve impact of our message and motivate the listener to act more enthusiastically.

We conduct workshop on ‘Communication Skills’ and many other soft skills improvement programs both for industries, educational institutes and individuals. We also offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behavior Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes
Please visit link or write to us at  or call (91)8866680407 for further details.
Sarwan Singh

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to make your resume stand out and get you call letter?

8 Top Resume Tips

Consider an employer looking to hire a few empoyees!
However, for a moment first consider the scene when we go to buy say a high end TV!

What do we ask for before buying any high value product?  

We ask for catalogue or literature!

We study various catalogues before considering buying any product!

The product we consider first is the one which has most attractive catalogue.

Now, is there any one more valuable for an employer than employees?

As we first study the catalogue or literature of any product we want to buy, won’t an employer too like to study catalogues or literature of the persons he/she wants to employ?

Resumes are nothing but catalogues or literature of the potential employees. Our resumes are our marketing tools that promote us as an ideal candidate to potential employers. More attractive the resume, higher are the chances of getting an interview call which is the first step in getting hired.

How do we make our resumes attractive enough for potential employer to call us for an interview? Given below are 8 highly effective tips if followed properly can definitely get us a call letter. These are:

1.   Never lie on your resume!
The guiding priciple for giving any information on resume should be:
Consequences of getting any job based on furnishing wrong information on resume will be that every day you walk into the office, you will always be worried that perhaps today you will be caught and fired. Daily existance in the office will be full of tension thus affecting your performance adversaly. Getting caught can also deprive you of your experience certificate and good refrences.

2. Keep the resume as short as posible!
HR peoople are busy. Make their job easy by making your resume as short as possible without compromising on effectiveness. 
The general rule of thumb on page length is that if you are a recent graduate or for experience upto 10 years, limit your resume to one page maximum.   
You could add one page for every 10 years of experience.Add 

3. Highlight your accomplishments and achievements!
When organizing the content of the resume, put most marketable information at the top of the resume.
  • Leadership Experience
  • Accomplishments/Awards/Honors
  • Coursework
  • Project work
  • Technical Summary (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Language Skills
  • Certification

4. Do whatever it takes to add clarity to your resume!
Any resume in which following points have not been taken care reflects casual and un professional attitude of the sender. Such resumes can be consigned to dust bin! Double Check Your Work for:
  • Do the statements begin with an action verb?
  • Are the action words descriptive?
  • Are all the words/adjectives descriptive?
  • Are all unnecessary words eliminated?
  • Have you uses short sentences, simple English, correct grammar & spellings?
  • Have you checked your resume two to three times for above points?

Additionally take special care:
  • Never send all photocopies only.
  • Never forget to sign your resume.

5. Put items on your resume in chronological order!
Make it easier for HR people to follow your professional journey. They will reward you for it by sending a call letter!
Select the most relevant work experience and generate a timeline of every professional position regarding:
  • Work History
  • Volunteer Experience
  • Professional Memberships, Civic Activities, Extracurricular Activities

6. Pay special attention to formatting!
The Right Way:
Make it look professional with no spelling or grammatical errors, use italics or bold lettering to draw attention to significant points.
The Wrong Way:
Using colors to attract attention or highlight certain areas, using too many fonts, making it too dense and/or using pictures.
What should resume look like?
  • Leave one inch gap on all sides of the page.
  • Use proper spacing, two to three lines, between different sections.
  • Be consistent in the type of headings you use.  Do not use more than one type of font.  Use size 12, Times New Roman.
  • Try to fit your resume in one page.
  • Do not write your resume in all capital letters.

7. Make your reader interested to know about you! 
Pay special attention to your achievements and acomplishments. Never omit any relevent achievement. Accomplishment – Examples
  • Increased sales in ABC Ltd   by 50% through creative advertising.
  • Presented training for cutomer service to sales and service staff
  • Presided over monthly team  meetings and presented group goals

8. Creativity makes you stand out 
Your resume need not be in word format. In order to make out your resume stand out you could even consider sending your resume in ppt/pdf format. For more adventrous, you could even create a small video clip about youself and send it.

Any one following above simple points in creating resume will greatly increase chances of getting interview call.

We conduct workshop on ‘Resume Building Tips’ and many other soft skills improvement programs both for industries, educational institutes and individuals. We also offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behaviour Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes
Please visit link or write to us at  or call (91)8866680407 for further details.
Sarwan Singh

Friday, January 16, 2015

Want to Improve Impact of Your Message? Use Strong Verbs

Want to Improve Impact of Your Message? 
Use Strong Verbs

Words we use create emotions in the minds of our readers or listeners. Strong verb convey strong emotions. Strong emotions convey strong message which induces the receiver to either take action which we want or creates strong positive impression about us. Hence, if we want to create strong positive impression about us or we want the receiver to take immediate action on what we want, we must use strong verbs.
Verbs like Achieve, Acquire, Attain, Analyze, Assess, Appraise, Complete, Create, Design, Develop, Draft, Direct, Establish, Eliminate, Ensure, Forecast, Find, Introduce, Investigate, Implement, Launce, Market, Manage, Operate, Organize, Present, Procure, Promote, Provide, Recruited, Revise, Research, Recognize, Resolve, Schedule, Secure, Score, Solve, Supervise, Target, Train, Teach, Team Up, Terminate are strong verbs and we must get into habit of using strong verbs like these.
Use of strong verbs is extremely important in writing resumes or during interviews.
Given below are some examples of use of strong verbs, giving both desirable way and avoidable way of use of these words. The examples given relate to resume building or interview situations. However, these strong verbs can be used to even convey our strong intent. This article is based on an article I had come across on internet during my research for a program on Interview Skills

1. Achieved

Good example: Achieved the target of implementing the software onsite for 200 users 15 days before the deadline.
Strong intent:
Will definitely achieve the target of implementing the software onsite for 200 users 15 days before the deadline
Bad example: To implement the software onsite.
Why bad example is bad.
It sounds more like a responsibility. The interviewer is mainly interested in knowing about your output.


Good example: Built new premises to convert the study centre into a residential college accommodating 200 student.
Strong intent:
Will build new premises to convert the study centre into a residential college accommodating 200 students in 6 months
Bad example: To Build a new premise for the residential college.
Why bad example is bad.
It sounds more like a responsibility. The interviewer is mainly interested in knowing about your output.


Good example: Developed guidelines for 50 users to understand and use the new process.
Strong intent:
Will develop guidelines for 50 users to understand and use the new process in 1 week.
Bad example: Developing guidelines to use the new process for client handling.
Why bad example is bad.
What guidelines? When? For whom? The good example answers these queries and shows your output rather than your responsibility.


Good example: Eliminated the use of thick brown tape for sealing the packages to reduce the cost by over 15 per cent.
Strong intent:
Will eliminated the use of thick brown tape for sealing the packages to reduce the cost by over 15 per cent in 3 months.
Bad example: To eliminate wasteful of resources.
Why bad example is bad.
What type of resources?, How did your action help?, How much was the saving?


Good example:
Forecast a downturn in the FMCG business because of economic slowdown. Suggested measures to combat it and achieve the quarterly target.
Strong intent:
Will suggest measures to combat forecast of downturn in the FMCG business because of economic slowdown and achieve the quarterly target.
Bad example:
To analyze and forecast the market.
Why bad example is bad.
How much downturn was forecast? What measures were suggested?, What was the outcome?


Good example: Introduced a new process to handle queries from potential customers to increase the conversion rate by 60 per cent.
Strong intent:
Will introduce by end of next month a new process to handle queries from potential customers to increase the conversion rate by 60 per cent
Bad example: Introducing a new process to handle client queries.
Why bad example is bad.
What was the system? Where is the achievement?


Good example: Modernized a chain of 15 retail outlets across three states to meet the taste of youth.
Strong intent:
Will modernize in next 6 months the chain of 15 retail outlets across three states to meet the taste of youth
Bad example: To modernize the look of retail chain outlets.
Why bad example is bad.
What changes were made. What was the achievement?


Good example:
Organized reseller conferences in three cities while maintaining a close co-ordination with three internal departments and four vendors.
Strong intent:
Will organized reseller conferences in three cities in next 3 months while maintaining a close co-ordination with three internal departments and four vendors.
Bad example:
Organizing events like exhibitions and retailer conferences.
Why bad example is bad?
What were the conferences & events about? What improvement in the business was achieved after wards?


Good example:
Recommended five new ways to ensure that the company is able to roll out the new its 'small car' before the launch of Nano.
Strong intent:
Will recommend five new ways to ensure that the company is able to roll out the new 'small car' before the launch of Nano next month.
Bad example:
Recommending ways for the company to roll out its new 'small car'
Why bad example is bad,
What were the recommendations? Were they implemented? What was the achievement?


Good example:
Secured first position in the university while pursuing MBA course and helped the college stand at the top of the list.
Strong intent:
Will secure first position in the university while pursuing MBA course and will also help the college stand at the top of the list
Bad example:
University topper during MBA.
Why bad example is bad.
Very vague. Provides no additional information. What grades were secured? , How many students?
You can visualize the change in impact of the sentences in all cases of ‘Good examples’ and ‘Bad examples.’ Hence;

Want to Change Your Life?

Change Your Language!

We conduct workshop on ‘English Improvement’ and many other soft skills training programs both for industries, educational institutes and individuals.
We also offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behaviour Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes
Please visit link or write to us at sarwansingh6644@gmail.comor call (91)8866680407 for further details..

Sarwan Singh