Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What is an Effective Resume?

What is an Effective Resume?

An Effective Resume is composed of the information an employer is most interested to know about the candidate. Because of limited space available in a resume, you must distill all of your skills, education & work history. Use as few as possible but powerful words to write about these areas. However your resume must provide following information:

1.    What you have learn t
2.    Responsibilities you have assumed
3.    What you have accomplished
4.    What you have contributed
5.    How you have been effective
6.    All of your abilities & skills
7.    Where & when you completed your education
8.    Special Training
9.    Certificates & licenses you have earned &
10.     Awards you have won

What to (& what not to) include
1.    Include a career or job objective only if it is specific. If your objective is general, instead include a summary of skills & qualification
2.    Include all work experience & qualifications including breaks
3.    Include any strengths & accomplishments in your job description
4.    Do not list salaries for any job
5. Do not include personal information, such as date of birth, marital status, religion, gender, height & weight etc.
6.   Do not include names of supervisors or references. You may simply write “References available on request”
7.    Do not write the word Resume on top of the page.

We conduct such and many other soft skills training programs both on site and on line for industries, educational institutes and individuals. We also offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behaviour Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes Please write to us at sarwansingh6644@gmail.com or englishacademybaroda@gmail.com or call (91)8866680407 for details..


Sarwan Singh

Common Interview Questions and Answers

Common Interview Questions and Answers

First and foremost congratulations if you have an interview! That in itself is commendable, so now you just want to make sure you come across in the best possible light. I have been asked numerous times what to do in preparation for interviews. Whilst there is no way of predicting exactly what you will be asked, here are 20 common questions that tend to come up. This is by no means an exhaustive list. The purpose is to illustrate the importance of preparation and refreshing your memory regarding specific projects and situations.

     Tell me about yourself.
This is probably the most asked question in an interview. It breaks the ice and gets you to talk about something you should be fairly comfortable with. Have something prepared that doesn’t sound rehearsed. It’s not about you telling your life story and quite frankly the interviewer just isn’t interested. Unless asked to do so, stick to your education, career and current situation. Work through it chronologically from the furthest back to the present.

      Why are you looking for another job (or why did you leave your previous job)?                     
On the surface this appears to be a simple question, yet it is easy to slip. I would suggest not mentioning money at this stage as you may come across as totally mercenary. If you are currently in employment you can say it’s about developing your career and yourself as an individual. If you are in the unfortunate position of having been downsized stay positive and keep it brief. If you were fired you should have a solid explanation. Whatever your circumstances do not go into the drama and detail and stay positive.

 What do you know about this organization?
Do your homework prior to the interview. Doing the background work will help you stand out. Find out who the main players are, have they been in the news recently? You’re not expected to know every date and individual yet you need to have a solid understanding of the company as a whole.

Why do you want this job?
This question typically follows on from the previous one. Here is where your research will come in handy. You may want to say that you want to work for a company that is x, y, z, (market leader, innovator, provides a vital service, whatever it may be). Put some thought into this beforehand, be specific and link the company’s values and mission statement to your own goals and career plans.

      Who are our main competitors?
This shows you really understand the industry and the main players. Think about a few and say how you think they compare; similarities, differences. This is a good opportunity to highlight what you think are the company’s key strengths.

What would your previous co-workers say about you?
This is not the arena for full disclosure. You want to stay positive and add a few specific statements or paraphrase. Something like “My friends always mentioned how reliable and hard working I was” is enough.

How do you handle stressful situations and working under pressure?
There are several ways of addressing this one. You may be the sort of person that works well under pressure; you may even thrive under pressure. Whatever the case may be just make sure you don’t say you panic. You want to give specific examples of stressful situations and how well you dealt with them. You may also want to list a few tools you use to help you, such as to do lists etc. It is alright to say that if you feel you are way over your head you will ask for assistance. It is equally acceptable to say that you work best under pressure if this is indeed the case and relevant to the particular role.

Are you applying for other jobs?
If you are serious about changing jobs then it is likely that you are applying to other positions. It is also a way of showing that you are in demand. Be honest but don’t go into too much detail, you don’t want to spend a great deal of time on this. If asked about names of who you have spoken to it is absolutely legitimate to say you prefer not to disclose that information at this stage.

      What are you like working in a team?
 Your answer is of course that you are an excellent team player; there really is no other valid answer here as you will not function in an organization as a loner. You may want to mention what type of role you tend to adopt in a team, especially if you want to emphasis key skills such as leadership. Be prepared to give specific examples in a very matter of fact sort of way.

What sort of person do you not like to work with?
This is not an easy one as you have no idea whom you would be working with. Even if you can immediately think of a long list of people you don’t like to work with, you could take some time to think and say that it’s a difficult question as you have always gotten on fine with your colleagues.

 What is your greatest strength?
This is your time to shine. Just remember the interviewer is looking for work related strengths. Mention a number of them such as being a good motivator, problem solver, performing well under pressure, loyal, positive attitude, eager to learn, taking the initiative, attention to detail. Whichever you go for, be prepared to give examples that illustrate this particular skill.

What is your biggest weakness?
A challenging one, as if you so you have no weaknesses you are obviously lying! Be realistic and mention a small work related flaw. Many people will suggest answering this using a positive trait disguised as a flaw such as “I’m a perfectionist” or “I expect others to be as committed as I am”. I would advocate a certain degree of honesty and list a true weakness. Emphasize what you’ve done to overcome it and improve. This question is all about how you perceive and evaluate yourself.

 What has been your biggest professional disappointment/achievement so far?
If asked about disappointments mention something that was beyond your control. Stay positive by showing how you accepted the situation and have no lingering negative feelings. If asked about your greatest achievement chose an example that was important to you as well as the company. Specify what you did, how you did it and what the results were. Ideally pick an example that can relate to the positions you are applying for.

What kind of decisions do you find most difficult to take?
There is no right or wrong here. The logic behind this type of question is that your past behavior is likely to predict what you will do in the future. What the interviewer is looking for is to understand what you find difficult.

 Tell me about a suggestion that you have made that has been successfully implemented.
Here the emphasis is on the implemented. You may have had many brilliant ideas, but what the interview is looking for is something that has actually materialized. Be prepared to briefly describe how it went from an idea to implementation stage.

Have you ever had to bend the rules in order to achieve a goal? Beware of this type of question!
Under no circumstances is it necessary to break company policy to achieve something. Resist the temptation to answer and give examples, as what the interviewer is looking for is to determine how ethical you are and if you will remain true to company policy.

Are you willing to travel or relocate if necessary?
This is something you need to have very clear in your mind prior to the meeting, if you think there is any chance this may come up. There is no point in saying yes just to get the job if the real answer is actually no. Just be honest as this can save you problems arising in the future.

 Why should we hire you?
 This is an important question that you will need to answer carefully. It is your chance to stand out and draw attention to your skills, especially those that haven’t already been addressed. Saying “because I need a job” or “I’m really good” just won’t cut it. Don’t speculate about other candidates and their possible strengths or flaws. Make sure you focus on you. Explain why you make a good employee, why you are a good fit for the job and the company and what you can offer. Keep it succinct and highlight your achievements.

Regarding salary, what are your expectations?
Always a tricky one and a dangerous game to play in an interview. It is a common mistake to discuss salary before you have sold yourself and like in any negotiation knowledge is power. Do your homework and make sure you have an idea of what this job is offering. You can try asking them what the salary range. If you want to avoid the question altogether you could say that at the moment you are looking to advance in your career and money isn’t your main motivator. If you do have a specific figure in mind and you are confident you can get it, then it may be worth going for it.

Do you have any questions for us?
This one tends to come up every time. Have some questions prepared. This will show you have done some research and are eager to know and learn as much as possible. You probably don’t want to ask more than 3 or 4 questions. Try and use questions that focus on you becoming an asset to the company. A generic one might be “how soon can I start if I were to get the job”. Another idea is to ask what you would be working on and how quickly they expect you to be able to be productive. Remember to ask about next steps and when you can expect to hear back.

Bear in mind that the interview starts from the minute you walk into the building until you leave and are out of sight. Don’t think that just because you have left the meeting room, you are “off the hook”. You need to maintain an image of confidence, enthusiasm, competence, reliability and professionalism throughout.

We conduct such and many other soft skills training programs both on site and on line for industries, educational institutes and individuals. We also offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behaviour Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes Please write to us at sarwansingh6644@gmail.com or englishacademybaroda@gmail.com or call (91)8866680407 for details..


Sarwan Singh

Monday, December 29, 2014

Say ‘NO’ for good Time Management. Should You? A contraian view

Say ‘NO’ for good Time Management. Should You? A contraian view

In ‘Time Management Workshops’ we are told that we should say ‘No’ to tasks dumped on us by others. Various reasons are given for why we say yes to unreasonable demands on our time by others, and why we should guard ourselves against succumbing to such demands.
Let’s look at this from a different perspective and see if saying ‘NO’ is such a good policy!

First, here is an interaction I had with a participant in a workshop on ‘Time Management’.
Recently, I conducted a workshop on ‘Time Management’for about 100 teachers in a very prestigious school. Like all my brethren trainers, I also told the participants that they should learn to say ‘NO’ to demands put on their time by others.
One of the participating teachers got up and said, “You say that we should say ‘NO’ to the demands put on our time by others. But, how do I say ‘NO’ to our principal? Invariably she assigns so much extra work to me!”
We all had a good laugh about it because even the principal was one of the participants and was present in the hall!
Here is the interaction which took place with this teacher after the laughter had subsided.
I said, “Agreed Madam that your principal puts you to lot of inconvenience when she gives additional work to you. But, are you able to do these extra assignments give by your principal?”
“Where is the choice? I have to do it.” She said.
“So, you complete these extra assignments also in addition to your regular duty.”
“Yes”. She said. And, she said it with some pride!
“Let’s do some role reversal. Let’s assume that you are the principal and you have to assign some urgent extra assignment to somebody. To whom will you give this assignment? The first person you see in the corridor or the person you are confident will be able to do the work?”
“Obviously I will give it to somebody who I am confident will be able to carry out the assignment.”She said.
“What is your principal thinking about you when she decides to give extra assignments to you? With this confidence that you will be able to finish the assignment or are you generally the first person she sees in the corridor?”
“That, I will be able to complete the assignment.” She said.
“So, in a way your principal is expressing her confidence in you.”
“Yes.” She said.
And, suddenly full import of what she had said dawned on her and many others.

Not only her, many other teachers too exclaimed almost simultaneously, “We never thought of it like this!”
You see, when someone approaches you for some help, it is with this faith and confidence in you that at that point of time and for that assignment you are the person he/she can count upon.
Will you let this person down and send a message that you are not really the kind of person who can be counted on?
You decide!

Secondly, here is a universal law which all our farmers know and have been using it ever since man started agriculture.

In our case, if I am sowing the seeds of ‘NO’, today what am going to reap tomorrow when I need some help from others?
Obviously, ‘NO’.
Also, please keep in mind the next law which says: YOU REAP MORE THAN YOU SOW.

In our case, it means that if I say (sow) ‘No’ today, I will hear (reap) ‘NO’ ten times tomorrow.
Should you put yourself in such a situation?
You decide?

So, every time you say ‘NO’ to somebody today you also risk hearing it many times over tomorrow.
Would you like to be in such a situation?
You decide.
Thirdly, once I saw a really interesting video clip on ‘Time Management’ by Zig Ziglar. In this video clip he poses a question to the audience: When you are going on a vacation the next day, do you end up doing more, less or same amount of work as compared to your average daily output?
Majority answer: More Work in the same amount of time as compared to average daily output.
What did change today that you could do more work? He poses this question to the audience. Just the mindset, he also provides the answer.
So the conclusion he says is that any average person can do much more work in the same time with the same facilities by simply changing the mindset.

In fact, he goes on to ask why I can not assume daily that I am going on vacation the next day.
So when my colleague requests me to help him/her out with some extra work, can I change my mindset and accommodate this additional request as well. The choice is mine.
Now, we come back to the above workshop.
‘Even though you complete the work, but you must be feeling angry every time your principal gives you some additional work’ I said.
Yes of course was the reply.
‘Since in any case you complete the work, which situation will be better? Feeling grateful to your principal for the faith and trust she shows in you by giving you additional work or feeling angry and frustrated? And, in which situation you will complete the additional work better and more quickly’
No need to tell the answer she and many others gave to this one!
So, every time my colleague approaches me for some help, I can take it as an his/her expression of faith in me and help him/her out. I can definitely go into vacation mood for the next day and complete this extra assignment as well.

This is the investment I make for my future as well.

But, I am not suggesting that we should keep saying yes to each and every extra demand on my time. It is not possible all the time.
But, when you say No, do you say it this way?

1.  Say No,

2.  Explain why you are saying no, and

3.  Offer an alternate.


We conduct such and many other soft skills training programs both on site and on line for industries, educational institutes and individuals. We also offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behaviour Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes Please write to us at sarwansingh6644@gmail.com or englishacademybaroda@gmail.com or call (91)8866680407 for details..


Sarwan Singh