Thursday, April 9, 2015

Public Speaking Tips - How to know if your listeners are following you?

Public Speaking Tips - How to know if your listeners are following you?

Speaking powerfully in public is an art. But, many studies have found that public speaking is the number one fear among most people. It rates even higher than fear of death. But, a good presentation means increased business, successful negotiation, and rewarding relationships.

How do you know if your audience is following you during your presentation? Given below are some suggestions to know if your audience is following you or you have lost them.

  • Respond warmly and attentively throughout the presentation.
  • Their eyebrows are raised,
  • They lean forward while you are talking,
  • Give you more eye contact,
  • Follow your directions more accurately,
  • Appear more relaxed,
  • Smile more often,
  • Their shoulders down are down,

  • Avoid eye contact,
  • Tilt their heads,
  • Close their mouths,
  • Lower their eyebrows,
  • Cross their arms and legs,
  • Turn away from you.

  • Finish each idea before starting new sentence,
  • Put the most important information at the beginning or end,
  • Slow down by as much as 70% to allow more time to think,
  • Shorten your sentences,
  • Tolerate silence.

The brain starts working the moment you are born 
 & never stops working   until you get up to speak in public!
- Anonymous

In order to help professionals develop good public speaking skills, we have started ‘Sunday English Speaking Club.’ For more details of the club and enrollment please the link
We also conduct many workshop soft skills improvement workshops for industries, educational institutes and individuals. These workshops are conducted in our training centre as well as in client’s premises. For more information about these programs, please visit link or write to us at sarwansingh6644@gmail
With regards,
Sarwan Singh

Monday, April 6, 2015

‘Say it Right the First Time’ (Know power of words & choose them well)

‘Project Smart English’

Say it Right

‘Say it Right the First Time’
(Know power of words & choose them well)

 ‘Andhe ka beta Andha’
(Son of blind is blind)   

       Just four carelessly chosen words by Draupti 
laid foundation for mother of all wars-Mahabharata!

Legend has it that when Duryodhana was moving around in Palace of Illusion (dry surface looked like water body and water body looked like dry surface in Palace of Illusion) he mistook a water body to be dry surface and fell in it. Draupti observed this and as Duryodhana was son of blind king Dhritrashtra, sarcastically made above written comment. Duryodhana became so angry on seeing Draupti making fun of him that he decided to teach her a lesson at an appropriate time. Thus foundation for Duryodhana trying to disrobe Draupti during game of dice and also of Mahabharata was laid.
How do you choose your words? Carelessly; like pebbles lying on a sea shore or carefully like what Benjamin Disraeli said: Men govern with words! Do you know that same words spoken to same person differently have different meaning? Same words spoken to different persons same way have different meaning. Also; same words spoken to same person at different time can have different meaning.
Ultimately the most important thing as per John Balder & Richard Grinder is that the meaning of your communication is the response you get. Hence; as a professional do you know which words to speak & how to speak these words to get a positive response to your requests/instructions?

Given below is the list of words which can invite action, also the words which can irritate, probe and motivate.

Words that invite action

§  You, your
§  Money
§  Save
§  Guaranteed
§  Health
§  Safety
§  Love
§  Discover
§  Proven
§  New
§  Results
§  Benefit
§  Easy
§  Service

Words That Irritate

§  Understand?
§  Get the point?
§  See what I mean?
§  You don’t say.
§  Not really.
§  I, me, mine, my.
§  I’ll tell you what.
§  Old friend.
§  Buddy.
§  Hey Pal.

Words That Probe

§  What is your idea?                                                  
§  What do you think?
§  Can you give example
§  What was the situation?
§  How do you feel about this?
§  What happened then?
§  Could you please explain?
§  Why do you say so?

Words That Motivate

§  Will you help me?
§  I am sorry.
§  It was my fault.
§  Thank you.
§  I am proud of you.
§  Congratulations.
§  Help me to understand this.
§  Please.
§  You are very kind.
§  I beg your pardon.
§  It has been real pleasure.

Check your habitual vocabulary. Which kind of words you use more often? Do your words invite action, irritate, probe or motivate?

Of course, your tone, volume and body language plays a very important part in giving meaning to your words. However, be very careful to choose your words well. Otherwise, you may not get the response you want.

We conduct workshop on ‘English Improvement’ and many other soft skills improvement workshops for industries, educational institutes and individuals. These workshops are conducted in our training center as well as in client’s premises.

Our classroom based employ ability enhancement programs are:
1.    Business English
2.    Spoken English
3.    Personality Development
5.    Sunday English Speaking Products
6.    Fortnightly Skills enhancement workshops.
7.    Educamp (for students during Summer Vacations)
Please visit link or write to us at   or call (91)8866680407 for further information..

Sarwan Singh

Sunday, April 5, 2015


‘Project Smart English’
Say it Right

As written in the previous lesson, a heteronym or heterophone is a word that is written identically but has a different pronunciation and meaning. 
Here is another List of Heteronyms sourced from internet

Affect ehFEKT- to change; AFFekt- a person’s feelings or emotion,
Alternate ALternit- the next choice; ALternait- switch back and forth.
Are AHR- plural present tense of “to be”; AIR- 100 square meters (1/100th of a hectare) [although may also be pronounced AHR]
Ares AIRS- 100 square meter units [plural]; AIReez- Greek god of war [capitalized]
Attribute ahTRIByoot- to consider resulting from; AHtribyoot- a characteristic of someone
August AUgust- month [capitalized]; auGUST- important, eminent
Axes AKsiz- more than one ax or axe; AKseez- the plural of axis
Bass BASE- a string instrument; (rhymes with mass)- a fish
Bow BAU- to lower one’s head or the front of a ship; BOH- used to shoot arrows
Bowed BAU-d- to bend over; BOH-d- bent
Buffet BUFFet- to pound or bump; booFAY- place where you serve yourself
Close CLOZE- to shut; CLOSnear
Combine komBYNE- put together; KOMbyne- a threshing machine
Conduct KONduckt- behavior; kunDUCKT- to lead (see this heteronym below)
Conflict kunFLIKT- to act against; KAHNflict- a fight or disagreement
Console KAHNsole- an upright case; kunSOLE- to comfort
Content KAHNtent- meaning; kunTENT- satisfied
Contest kunTEST- to argue; KAHNtest- a match of skill
Contract CONtract- an agreement; conTRACT- to shrink or to agree on a project
Convert conVERT- to change one’s belief; CONvert- one whose belief was changed
Converse KAHNvers- the opposite; kunVERS- to talk
Convict kunVIKT- to find guilty; KAHNvikt- a prisoner
Crooked KROOKt- to bend your neck; KROOK-ed- having a curve
Deliberate diLIBerit- carefully considered; diLIBerATE- to consider
Desert dihZURT- to leave ; DEZert- arid region

Digest DYEjest- collection of published material; dieJEST- absorb nutrients
Do DOO- to accomplish; DOE- a musical note
Does DUZ- performs; DOZE- more than one female deer
Dove DUV- a bird; DOEV- jumped off
Drawer DROR- the compartment you pull out from the dresser; DRAWer- one who draws
Excuse EKskyooz- to let someone off; EKskyoos- a reason or explanation
House HAUS- a building that serves as living quarters; HOWZ- to provide with living quarters
Incense INsens- burnt aromatic; inSENS- to make angry
Intern INtern- a physician in training; inTERN- confine to prescribed area
Invalid inVALLid- not valid; INvallid- an ill person
Laminate LAMinate- to construct by adding layers; LAMinit [although both pronunciations are listed]- the cover itself
Lather (rhymes with rather)- foam or suds; (rhymes with bath fur)- a worker who installs lath (lattice work)
Lead LEED- to guide; LED- a metallic element
Minute MINNit- 60 seconds; myNOOT- tiny
Moderate MODerit- keeping within reason; MODerATE- to preside over
Mow MOH- to cut grass; MAU- a pile of hay
Multiply MULLtihPLIE- multiply two numbers; MULLtihplee- in a multiple manner
Number NUMber- one, two, three …; NUMMER- more numb
Nun NUN- women in religious order; NOON- 14th letter in Hebrew alphabet
Object ubJEKT- to complain; AHBjekt- a thing
Pasty PAstee- like glue; PASStee- a meat pie
Pate PAIT- a bald head; paTAY- a minced food; PAHT- a porcelain paste
Perfect PERfekt- exactly correct; perFEKT- to make correct
Periodic PEEReeODDik- occasional; PUREeyeODDik- an iodine compound
Permit perMIT- to allow some event to occur; PERmit [although both pronunciations are listed]- a document giving permission
Polish POElish- from Poland; PAHLish- shine [capitalization doesn't count!]
Present PREZent- a gift; preeSENT- to give a talk
Primer PRIHMer- an elementary book; PRYmer- the preparatory coat of paint
Produce PROdoos- vegetables; proDOOS- bring forth
Project proJEKT- to show a movie; PRAHjekt- a task
Pussy PUHSee- having pus; POOHSee; a kitten
Raven RAYven- black bird; RAVen- hungry
Rebel REBBell- a resister; rihBELL- to resist
Record RECKord- a list; reKORD- to write down
Recreation rek-ree-Ashun- pastime; REEcreeAshun- remake (also, recreate)
Refuse reFUSE- to deny; REFFyoos- garbage
Relay reeLAY- to put it down again, such as a carpet; REElay- a race by teams; rihLAY- to pass along, such as information
Rerun reRUN- to race again or to repeat a show on television; RErun- a repeated TV show
Reside: reZIDE- to stay put; RE-SYD- [Slang] to change places (change teams)

Resign reZYN- to quit; reSYN- to sign again (e.g., a contract

Resume reeZOOM- to restart; REHZoomay- a document of experience
Row ROH- a line; ROUW- a fight
Sake SAHkey- alcoholic drink; SAYK- a purpose
Secrete seeKREET- to discharge; sehKRET- an armored skullcap
Secreted seeKREETed- having put out; SEEkrehted- placed out of sight  

Separate SEPerATE- to divide into groups; SEPret- not joined together

Sewer SOwer- one who sews; SOOwer- place for human waste
Slough SLUFF- the outer layer of skin of a snake; [rhymes with OW!]- a hole of deep mud or mire; SLOO- a marshy pond
Sow SOUW- a pig; SO- to plant seed
Subject SUBjekt- the theme; subJEKT- to force upon someone
Tear TARE- to rip; TEER- fluid in eye
Wind WHINEd- to coil up; WINd- the blowing air
Wound WOOND- to injure; WOWND- coiled up
We conduct workshop on ‘English Improvement’ and many other soft skills improvement workshops for industries, educational institutes and individuals. These workshops are conducted in our training centre as well as in client’s premises.

Our classroom based employability enhancement programs are:
1.    Business English
2.    Spoken English
3.    Personality Development
5.    Sunday English Speaking Products
6.    Fortnightly Skills enhancement workshops.
7.    Educamp (for students during Summer Vacations)
Please visit link or write to us at   or call (91)8866680407 for further information..

Sarwan Singh