Thursday, March 12, 2015


‘Project Smart English’
Say it Right


We can use context-clues to understand meaning of a word in a sentence. Try to understand meaning of the paragraph and meaning of highlighted words keeping in mind the intended meaning of the paragraph. Compare your answers with answers your friends.

A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor’s office. After his check up, the doctor called the wife into his office alone. He told her, “Your husband is suffering from very severe disease, combined with horrible stress. If you do not do the following, your husband will surly die. Each morning, fix him a healthy breakfast. Be pleasant & make sure that he is in good mood. For lunch, make him a nutritious meal. For dinner, prepare an especially nice meal for him.
Do not burden him with chores, as he probably had a hard day. Do not discuss your problems with him; it will only make his stress worse. In addition, most importantly love him & satisfy his every whim.
If you can do this for next ten months to a year, I think your husband will regain his health completely.”
On the way home the husband asked his wife, “What did the doctor say?”
She replied, “You are going to die!”

An old gentle man was playing a round of golf, suddenly his ball sliced & landed in a shallow pond.

As he was attempting to retrieve the ball, he discovered a frog.

To his great surprise frog started to speak! “Kiss me & I will change into a beautiful princess & I will be yours for a week.” He picked the frog, placed it in his pocket & continued to play golf.

The frog repeated its message, “Kiss me, & I will turn into a beautiful princess & I will be yours for a whole month.” The man continued to play golf.  The frog spoke once again, “Kiss me & I will turn into a beautiful princess, & I will be yours for whole year!”

Finally, the old man turned to the frog & exclaimed, “At my age, I’d rather have a talking frog.” 

A six- year- old walked up to his father one day & announced, “Daddy, I’d like to get married.”
His father replied hesitantly, “Sure, son, do you have any one special in mind?”    
“Yes.” The boy answered. “I want to marry grandma.”
 “Now, wait a minute”, said the father, “you don’t think I will let you marry my mother.”

“Why not?” The boy said. “You married mine.”


A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things, when he noticed an old lady following him around. Thinking nothing of it, he ignored her & continuedFinally, he went to the checkout line, but she got in front of him.
“Pardon me;” she said “I am sorry if my staring at you has made you uncomfortable. You look just like my son who died recently.” “I am very sorry,” said the young man “Is there anything I can do for you?”
 “Yes” she said, “As I am leaving, can you say Good-bye mother? It will make me feel better.”
 “Sure” answered the young man.
            As the old lady as leaving, the young man called out, “Good bye mother.”
As he stepped up to the checkout counter, he saw that his total was Rs.2500/- .
 “How can that be?” He asked, “I only purchased only a few things”.
“Your mother said that you would pay for her”, said the clerk.

            One day; a little girl was sitting & watching he mother doing the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair, which were sticking out as contrast to her brunette hair.
She looked at her mother inquisitively asked, “Why are some of your hair white, Mom?”
Her mother replied, “Every time you do something wrong & make me cry or unhappy, one of my hair turns white.”
The little girl thought for this revelation for a little while & than asked,
“Mom, How come all of grandma’s hairs are white?”

Improve Your Memory!
Two elderly couples were enjoying friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other, “Fred, how as the memory clinic you went to last month?”
 “Outstanding, Fred replied. “They taught us all the latest psychological techniques – visualization, association- it has made a big difference for me.”
“That’s great! What was the name of that clinic?”
Fred went blank. He thought & thought but could not remember. Then a smile broke across his face & he asked, “What do you call that flower with a long stem & thorns?”     “You mean a rose?”
”Yes, that’s it!” Then he turned to his wife & said,                                                                               “Rose, what was the name of that clinic?”

During a busy holiday weekend, a woman who was eight months pregnant went to the railway station to return home to her husband. At the reservation counter, when her turn came, there was only    one ticket left.  Taking pity on an old lady standing behind her in the line, she offered her berth to the old lady.
            Then, she sent a telegram to her husband.
Her husband received following telegram
“Shall be coming tomorrow, heavy rush in the train, gave birth to an old lady.

Good Teacher!
One day, a teacher was attempting to teach the names of animals to a class of 5- years- olds. She held up a picture of dear & asked one boy, “Billy, what is the name of this animal?”
Little Billy looked at the picture with a disheartened look on his face & responded, “I’m sorry Mrs. Smith, but I don’t know.”
Billy, “Well, Billy what does your Mommy call your Daddy?”
Little Billy’s face suddenly brightened up, but than a confused look came over his face, as he asked, “Mrs. Smith, is that really a pig?”    

Science Lecture!
A famous scientist was on his way to a lecture in yet another university. His chauffeur offered him an idea.

 “Hey, boss, I have heard your speech so many times I bet I could deliver it & give you the night off.”   

“Sounds great,” the scientist said.

Therefore, when they got to the auditorium, the scientist put on the chauffeur’s hat & settled in the back row.

The chauffeur walked to the lectern & delivered the speech. Afterward he asked if there were any questions.

“Yes” said, one professor. Then he launched into a highly technical question.

The chauffeur was panic stricken for a moment but he very quickly recovered

“That’s an easy one!” he said, “In fact it’s so easy, I’m going to let my chauffeur answer it!”

A Business Loan!
A businessman walked into a bank & asked for loan officer. He told the officer that he was going out business for two weeks & needed to borrow Rs. 50000/-. The bank officer explained that the bank needed some kind of security for such a loan

 Therefore, the businessman handed over keys of his Mercedes car parked in front of the bank. Since, everything was in order, the bank agreed to accept car as collateral security for the loan. A bank employee drove the car into the bank’s garage & parked it there. Two weeks later, the businessman returned, repaid the loan amount with interest which came to Rs.500/-.

The loan officer said, “We are very happy to have your business, & this transaction has worked very nicely, but we are little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out & found out that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why you would borrow Rs.50000/-?”

The businessman replied“, Where else in this city can I park my car for two weeks for Rs.500/-.”

We conduct workshop on ‘English Improvement’ and many other soft skills improvement workshops for industries, educational institutes and individuals.
We also offer a few programs like ‘Shine under Stress (Strategies to Succeed in Exams)’, ‘Seven Laws of Teaching’, ‘Student’s Behavior Management’ etc. pro bono to educational institutes. Please visit link or write to us at   or call (91)8866680407 for further details.

Sarwan Singh

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