Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Where to use Passive Voice

‘Project Smart English’
Shaping Young Minds

Where to use Passive Voice
Generally use of active voice is recommended to make our writing easier to understand. However, passive voice can also be useful in some situations.  We may also use passive voice in following situations:

1.    When the receiver is more important that the doer/agent:                         
The minister was bitten by a rabid dog. Writing this in the active voice (A rabid dog bit the minister) would make dog more important than the minister.

2.    When we do not know/cannot know the doer/agent. 
The man was found murdered in his hotel room.                                                                                 
They came back from the holiday & found their house had been burgled.

3.    When the doer is not important but the action is. 
Gas cylinder regulators must be switched off after cooking is done.                                                       
Corroded power cable should be replaced as quickly as possible.

4.    When the doer/agent is too obvious to need naming; 
The murderer was caught & charged with manslaughter.
The chief minister was defeated in elections.

5.    When the accepted manner of writing on science, technology or academic subjects demands that, the doer remains faceless.   Examples                                                                                                 
The tumor was excised & tissue samples were sent for biopsy.                                
A portion of the sediment was treated with hydrochloric acid & precipitates analyzed.

6.    Defuse hostility- active can sometimes be too direct & blunt.
Your performance has been found to be below minimum acceptable level.
Disciplinary action will be taken against you.

7.    To spread or evade responsibility by omitting the doer, e.g.
Regretfully, your file has been misplaced
Your application for grant of loan has been rejected.

Our Classroom Programs
Spoken English, Business English, IELTS,
Personality Development, Summer Educamp (for Students)
Training Centers in Ahmedabad:
Maninagar  Usmanpura
Invitation for an Open Workshop

You are invited to an Open Workshop on ‘How to develop good personality and positive Attitude’ being organized on 4.4.2015 in our Maninagar Centre. You are invited to register you name for this workshop by sending your nomination at sarwansingh6644@gmail.com or smu2@ideaindia.org  or by sending an sms at 88666 80407 or 84870 60612 

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