Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Various uses of the word ‘Have’

‘Project Smart English’
Shaping Young Minds

English perhaps is the only language in which a word can have many meanings thus causing great confusion especially for those who do not know all the meanings of such a word. The word ‘HAVE’ is a prime example of such words. Given below are seventeen ways in which this word can be used.

Various uses of the word ‘Have’

§  Receive:
             i.        I have just had a phone call. 
            ii.        I have had no word from him yet.
           iii.        I have no orders for that item yet.

§  Obtain
             i.        I was told, I could have that car for the asking.
            ii.        You can have that fridge for a song.

§  Activity
             i.        I will have shower first.
            ii.        I need to have a long holiday.

§  Suffer
             i.        I have had enough of her tantrums.
            ii.        I have had this pain for almost a year.

§  Accept
             i.        I told him I would return the loan in three days, but he would not have it.
            ii.        I would not have him ordering me about.
           iii.        He said he would not have his daughter return late at night.

§  Cause (to be done)
             i.        You need not come all the way; I will have the cheque collected from your office.
            ii.        I will have the van pick up you up from your house.
           iii.        I will have the papers ready in no time.

§  Experience
             i.        No, I did not have any problem finding your house.
            ii.        I have had a restful day.

§  Must
             i.        You will have to fill out that form first.
            ii.        The lodge is free, but you will have to pay for the board.

§  Indulge in/enjoy
             i.        Let us have a ball with the money.
            ii.        Let us have some fun teasing her.
           iii.        Let us have a high old time tonight.

§  Suggest
             i.        Rumor has it that he has it that he has run away with his friend’s wife.
            ii.        Legend has it that he killed a lion with his bare hands.

§  Get the better of
             i.        You have me there.
            ii.        They have him by throat.

§  Deceive
             i.        How could you pay such a price for that car? You have been had.
            ii.        You have paid very high price for this house. You have been had.

§  Eat/drink
             i.        I will have a cup of tea.
            ii.        I had a drink about an hour ago.
           iii.        I think I will have that dish again.

§  Settle
             i.        Let’s examine the accounts & have done with it

§  Harm
             i.        Kalyan Singh is convinced Mr. Vajpayee’s followers have it in for him.

§  Wear
             i.        She wants to have new dress.

§  Include/Contain
             i.        My house must have two floors.
            ii.        How many pages does this book have?

In English having mostly is used with the notion of indulging/enjoying & rarely with suffering.

             i.        He is having a ball while his money lasts.
            ii.        She is interested in having good time.
           iii.        He is having it good.
          iv.        The children are having a whale of time in swimming pool.
            v.        He is having bath now.
          vi.        We are having our house painted.

Having is generally not used in suffering; like, He is having one of his bad days.

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