‘Project Smart
Say it Right
use of the relative pronouns
Who, whom and whose
The pronouns who, whom and whose are generally only used for persons. Occasionally they are
used for some animals and other inanimate objects too.
- A boy who does not play games will never
be healthy.
- This is the woman whose
husband was killed by the dacoits.
- I have an Alsatian whose name is Bruce.
- This is John Paul whom I used to know as a
- The ancients worshipped the moon whom they
called Diana.
Which is used for
animals and inanimate things.
- Mangoes which are
over-ripe should be thrown away.
- The horse which won the race is called Handsome.
- This is a case which
calls for careful investigation.
Which is also used to refer to a previous statement.
- The man said he was a
police officer, which was not true.
- He wants me to give up his claim, which is impossible.
- He happened to be there
at the time, which was fortunate.
That is used for persons and things.
- This is the boy that
won the first prize.
- Here is the man that
I told you of.
- This is the monument
that was built by Shah Jehan.
- Uneasy lies the head that
wears a crown.
difference between that and who, which, is that while who
and which can be used in the possessive case (whose, of which) and with prepositions
(of whom, to whom, by which etc.) that cannot be used so.
- This is my boy of
whom I am proud.
- This is the man
whose house was burgled.
- I have an axe with
which I cut wood.
You cannot substitute that
for of whom, whose or with which in these sentences.
What is used only to refer to things and not persons. When used
as a relative pronoun what means that which.
- I mean what (=
that which) I say.
- What (= that which) is one
man’s meat is another man’s poison.
- Take down what (=
that which) I dictate.
- I saw what looked
like a flying saucer.
- What cannot be cured must be
As is used as a relative pronoun after such, and
sometimes after the same.
- He is such a man
as I honor.
- His reaction was such
as might have been expected.
- My position is the
same as yours.
After a negative, the word but
is used as a relative pronoun in the sense of who did not or which
did not.
- There was not a man
among them but hoped (= who did not hope) to get out alive.
- There is no rose but
has (= which does not have) some thorn.
- There is none here but
will (= who will not) support you.
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