Monday, May 11, 2015


Your first impression in the interview is your last (lasting) impression. You have to be very careful about how you enter the interview room & how you greet the interview panel members. You are   short listed for further interview or rejected as per this first impression.  Given below are some important points that a candidate should keep in mind to improve his performance during interview.

1.    Before the interview, do some research about what are the products, services & standing in the market etc. of the company? If possible than visit the place one day before the interview. However, do not enter premises of the company.
2.    Dress comfortably for the interview. Take bath. Wear washed & ironed clothes. Do not wear new clothes. Do not go for any interview wearing jeans or casual clothes. Do not wear sandals. Women should wear neutral color salwar kames or sari. They should apply minimum make up & wear only minimum jewelry.
3.    Reach the interview place at least ten minutes before the interview time. Try mixing with other candidates. However, do not disturb the company staff.
4.    Greet each member of the interview panel & take seat only when asked to do so.
5.    Speak in a clear, concise & audible manner. Do not repeat yourself. Give brief replies.
6.    Listen the question carefully .Speak only after the interviewer stops talking.
7.    Give answer in the same language in which question is asked.
8.    Generally, in an interview you are asked to talk about yourself. Prepare to talk about yourself for about 2 to 3 minutes.
9.    Avoid giving long working hours, low salary, not getting leave & demanding boss as the reason for leaving earlier jobs.
10. Do not criticize your previous employer.
11. Fresh candidates are asked questions about their studies & extra-curricular activities. Prepare accordingly.
12. Do not get into debate or argument with the interviewers.
13. If you want to ask some questions, ask only when invited to do so.
14. Thank every interview panel member again after the interview.
15. You may even write a note thanking the interviewer after the interview.

Remember, as you need the job, the interviewer also needs your services. That is why you have been called for interview. So do not become nervous.                              
Hence, answer each question confidently.

We conduct workshop on ‘English Improvement’ and many other soft skills improvement workshops for industries, educational institutes and individuals. These workshops are conducted in our training center as well as in client’s premises.
Our classroom based employ ability enhancement programs are:
1.    Business English
2.    Spoken English
3.    Personality Development
5.    Sunday English Speaking Club
6.    Fortnightly Skills enhancement workshops.
7.    Educamp (for students during Summer Vacations)
Please visit link or write to us at   or call (91)8866680407 for further information..

Sarwan Singh

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