Here is an interesting
fable on Interpersonal Relationship:
Once there was a
hermitage in a forest where many hermits used to live. The hermitage had very
strict rule regarding women. Women were not allowed in the hermitage. No hermit
was allowed to have any contact with women. Even touching a woman was strictly prohibited.
Once a senior hermit and
a rookie hermit belonging to this hermitage were passing through a forest. It
was rainy season. The river passing through the forest was in spate
and was overflowing. The sun was about to set.
The hermits saw a young
lady standing on the bank of the river. She had fallen off her horse and had
hurt herself. Her horse had crossed the river and was grazing on the other
bank. In such condition, it was not possible for her to cross the river on her
own. If she was not helped, she certainly would have fallen prey to some wild
animal in the night.
Both the hermits saw
this. However, much against the rules of hermitage and to utter shock and
surprise of rookie hermit, the senior hermit picked up the young lady, carried
her across the river, put her on her horse and saw her on her way safely. Both
the hermits carried on their way after this,
Though the rookie hermit
was extremely angry at the senior hermit as the senior hermit had broken a
strict rule of the hermitage, he could say nothing to the senior hermit. But he
was seething with anger at the senior hermit for violating a strict rule of the
They continued walking.
After walking for about ten miles the junior hermit could contain himself no
longer and he burst out at the senior hermit and said, ‘Master, you have
violated a very sacred rule of the hermitage. I am going to complain against
you when we reach back.’
‘Which rule have I
broken?’ asked the senior hermit.
‘You have not only
touched a woman, you even lifted her and carried her across the river.’ Said
the rookie hermit.
‘But, I put her down ten
miles from here and you are still carrying her with you!’ said the great
How many times do we
carry with us what somebody said days, months or even years back? And, what do
we carry with us? Do we carry pleasant things which the other person said about
us or we carry only unpleasant things which the other person said about us?
We remember exact
(unpleasant) words which the other person said to us years back and never have
normal pleasant relationship with the other person after this. Do we also
remember what pleasant words somebody else had spoken to us on the
same day? Do we also remember which clothes we were wearing on that day or what
food we had on that day?
We never forget and let
go of the unpleasant things which somebody had said even years back, always
carry this in our mind and allow this to spoil our relationship for years on
What if we learn to just let go of negative thoughts. Won’t
our lives be better and more harmonious if we just let go?
Something for all of us
to think about.
Sarwan Singh
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