Monday, May 11, 2015

A washer man and his five donkeys (How real are our boundaries?)

A washer man and his five donkeys  
 (How real are our boundaries?)
Faced with a difficult situation, most of us get busy thinking about why we cannot overcome that difficulty. Mostly we think more about what additional difficulty we will face in trying to overcome the difficult situation. Hence, we stop taking any action, make many compromises   and just live with the problem.
But, how real are these difficulties? Please read this story of ‘Washer man and his five Donkeys’ to know how real are many of our problems.

Once there was a washer man who had five donkeys. Every day in the morning, he will load his donkeys with the clothes he had to wash, take these donkeys to a river, spend his day washing the clothes, load the donkeys again in the evening with washed clothes and come back home.
During the day time he will tie his donkeys by their legs with ropes to a tree   which he will bring with him in the morning.
Many times in the evening he will stop at a tavern, have a drink or two before going home. On the days when he will reach home drunk, his wife will get angry at him.
On one such occasion when he reached home extra drunk, his wife had a big fight with him. Next day morning when he got up, he was very upset. He loaded the donkeys hurriedly and left for the river for his day’s work.
However, when he reached the river he realized that he had brought only four ropes for five donkeys. Obviously, it was not possible to tie five donkeys to the tree with four ropes.  He was standing and thinking about this problem when a wise man passed that way.
The wise man saw the washer man who was worrying about this problem and asked the washer man about his problem.
The washer man explained his problem to the wise man.
“To which tree do you tie your donkeys” Asked the Wise man.
The washer man showed the tree to the Wise man.
“Tie four donkeys to the tree with ropes. For fifth donkey, simply do the action of tying it to the tree. Go and do your work without any worry.” Said the wise man.
“What do you mean? The fifth donkey will simply run away in two minutes!” Protested the washer man.
“Don’t worry. Have faith in me and do what I tell you. Take it from me that your fifth donkey will not run away. You will find it where ever you will leave it.” Advised the Wise man.
So, much against his judgment, the washer man tied four donkeys to the regular tree. He just did the action of tying the fifth donkey to the tree and went away to complete his work.
And; he was surprised to find that as the wise man had said, all the five donkeys, including one which was not tied, were under the usual tree. He loaded the donkeys, untied the tied donkeys and prodded them to start walking.
But, now a new problem arose.
The four donkeys which had been tied with ropes started moving, but the one which was not tied will not move. The washer man tried all tricks including beating the donkey but the donkey will not move!
He was standing near the tree and thinking about what to do when the wise man passed that way again.  
“What problem you have created for me! O Wise man cried the washer man! The fifth donkey is not even budging from its position. Please tell me what I should do.”
“Have you un tied the donkey?” Asked the wise man.
“What do you mean untied it? As you had suggested, I never tied it.” Said the washer man.
“The rope, my dear friend, is not tied to the leg of your donkey.  It is tied in its mind. Hence, as you had done the action of tying it in the morning, until you do the action of untying, it will not move.” Said the wise man.
So the washer just did the action of untying the donkey and it started moving immediately.

How many imaginary ropes and chains are we carrying in our mind? How many of these chains are real and how many of these chains are imaginary; like the donkey had?
The honest answer is that most of the our chains(problems) are just imaginary. Only very few are real chains (problems). But the tragedy is that it is not the real chains which hold us back but these imaginary chains  which are real cause of our failures and not meeting most of our challenges head on.
Isn’t it!
Sarwan Singh
Sarwan Singh

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